  myEl (God),
andTzur (Rock) -
myYeshua (Salvation)
- Psalms 89:26 -
Growing a community of followers of Yeshua,  bringing Him to Jewish Pittsburgh and beyond !
© 2012 - Abraham E. Sandler, Congregational LeaderofMaoz Tzur - Rock of Ages Messianic Jewish Congregation.  All rights reserved.
PO Box 225  East McKeesport, PA 15035   -   (412) 609-6893
Jew and Gentile Welcomed - Interfaith Families Welcomed !
The Jewish Scriptures, also accepted by Christians as God's Word, says that The Messiah our Creator would send would not only be of benefit to the Jewish people, but for the Gentiles as well (Isaiah 49:6).

If you are an interfaith family and want your family to worship in a setting that values the best of both Jewish and Christian traditions - perhaps with us you have found "a home."

   Also, if you are Jewish or Gentile and interested in getting know Yeshua - Jesus - from a Jewish perspective - perhaps with us you have found "a home."

   Both the Jewish Scriptures (often called The Old Testament) and the Christian Bible (often called the New Testament) offer Wisdom from God on how we can lead peaceable, fruitful lives, pleasing to our Creator and Redeemer.

   Our standard, our benchmark against which everything is measured is this - Does it agree with The Jewish Scriptures?   Because we believe the New Testament does not contradict the Jewish Scriptures, and that, in fact, there are many evidences that it tells of the fulfillment of things spoken of in the Jewish Scriptures - we believe in the authority of BOTH the Jewish Scriptures and the New Testament.

YOU ARE INVITED to join us - a community joyfully and purposefully learning to live the good life our Creator and Redeemer intended for us !

About Us - Intro